The DryHands stock is drying up! It's like a Sahara in the DryHands factory: super dry. No more bottle to get. For several months now we have been scouring other suppliers and shops to get stock. Now we have searched "overseas" and found another secret stash there. Unfortunately, that means higher shipping and import costs for Flexmonkey and we have had to adjust the price. This is the very last stock of DryHand's pole grip for now.
DryHands grip is the most widely used grip within pole dance studios in the Netherlands. This pole dance grip helps with sweaty hands and reduces the sliding of hands, elbows, knees, and other parts of the body. The grip consists of a white liquid that dries quickly. Ideal for pole dancing, polefitness, gymnastics, athletics, acrobatics and other sports. The grip can leave traces on body, clothing and dance pole. This is easy to wash with soap and water or detergent.
Contents: 59 ml (2 oz).