Do you want to expand your knowledge? Want to learn to spot well & convey your favorite bunch of techniques in a fun and expert way? Then come to our Instructor training!
The training consists of a good warm-up, explanation about how to properly transfer the techniques and how to build them up in terms of difficulty, how to spot them safely & how to make a good lesson program.
We build the training from beginners to intermediate techniques.
This training will be given on October 10 in Studio. In combination, the instructor training for Pole can also be followed under the supervision of Amanda de Caluwe.
If desired, the training can be given on location. For example exclusively for you and your team.
15.00-18.00 Aerial Hoop Training
Level: master your invert / straddle.
*** Including certificate ***
Aerial Hoop - Cai
Aerial Hoop Instructor Training € 129, -
Extra fun: there will also be part 2 at the beginning of 2021! Even more knowledge to share.
Do you want to supplement this training with internship hours? Which can! Send us an email for the possibilities.