Lupit studio poles are dance posts specially tailored for a dance studio or gym. Lupit poles are safe and reliable and there are different options. All studio poles are both static and spinning to use.
Options: material, thickness, fitting, quicklock.
Material and thickness: the materials are stainless steel or brass (45mm). The only option for a 42mm pole is the removable/movable pole of stainless steel.
Montage: REMOVABLE orPERMANENT. For example, you can choose whether to remove the posts after each lesson, or if you keep the posts permanently in the hall.
Removable pole are easy to remove (Lupit PRO poles). Choose for movable posts, then you can turn the top of the pole into a special upper plate and turn out and store again after each lesson (hanging with the convenient Lupit pole holder, or laying down). This top plate is drilled into the ceiling. The bottom plate can always be clamped by turning the pole into the upper plate and then already clinging to tight between ceiling and floor. If the ceiling is not parallel to the floor (e.g. a decreasing ceiling or an oblique roof), a PRO SLOPE mount is also required. Typically, the movable studio posts are in one piece. If you want, you can order the poles in 2 parts as well. The advantage of this is that you get a standard size and a custom extension. If your studio moves or the poles are needed in a different space with a different height, you only need to reorder this customized extension and not a whole new pole (as with the 1 piece posts). If a pole is desired in two parts, you can only choose the option of a PRO pole of 45mm steel.
If you choose permanent poles (Lupit CHAMPION poles), the poles cannot be turned out after each lesson but the pole is drilled above and below. You can choose between a truss confirmation or an attachment in the ceiling. All CHAMPION poles are 45mm and are supplied with either a truss mount, or a CHAMPION ceiling mount. The latter is also to be used for oblique ceilings.
Finally, instead of the known screw system, you can choose to add the Quick lock system to the pole. Thanks to the Quick lock system, the pole can be put on spinning with a convenient rotational motion. No more need for a bus key and never again excellent or losing screws.
Delivery times are typically 3 to 5 weeks. Prices are EXCLUSIEF shipping costs.Because ordered posts are tailored to material, thickness and finish, money is a 30% payment requirement in case of cancellation or return of the order.Sending costs and delivery time shall be calculated by order.
The following schedule gives a global picture of prices. Actual price can deviate from the overview. Sending costs not included. Contact freely for a tender via info@flexmonkey.nl.