As a web shop, you get many questions about home sports and often they are the same questions. We pool our knowledge in this and previous blog, so that it is 1 overview is clear. Previously on the blog, the blog was about pole dances titled "What kind of material dancing pole do you choose from home? And 5 other things you need to think about...". This time it's about aerial hope and what you should think about when you want to practice this sport at home.
1. What kind of aerial hope do you choose from home?It seems simple, hanging up an aerial heap at home. But did you know there are many different hopes? There is talk of -point hopes. The number that comes before that indicates how many eyes there are in hope. "zero-point" has no eye and a "two-point" has two eyes. The way you use these and what kind of techniques you can do on them depends on the number of eyes and how you hang them. The most common is the one-pointer and you often see it used in studios. But the two-pointer is also on the rise. Just look on you tube to see the difference. Are you taking class? Then it is recommended to use the same kind of hope for home so you can practice the techniques from class. Besides choosing how many hanging eyes you want, you also consider in advance whether you want to use the hopes with or without tape. It is often thought that tape is always needed because otherwise you would not have a grip. But you can also choose a heap of special coating. Actually, just like with dance poles. The hopes sold at Flexmonkey have a special grip-enhancing coating. This is nice because you can then play sports with but without legging. So you have more choice in outfit and can match your outfit to the temperature. However, tape is often used to increase grip in hope. Consumer is that tape can give off on your hands and clothes, quickly starts to fray and feel sticky. Also, the tape will have to be replaced every year and that is a time-consuming job. Whatever kind of hope you choose, make sure you buy certified material. That's been tested and you can use it safely.
2. How do you choose the right size aerial hope? You measure the ideal height of hope by sitting on a chair and measuring from the seat to the top of your head, and counting 10cm on top of it. So if you measure 80cm from the seat through the top of your head, then you'll have a heap of 90cm(outside ring)Needed. You want to be able to sit in the hopes without your head coming up against the top. Measurement usually goes by outer ring. Sometimes there are 2 sizes: the outer ring and the inner ring but more often only the size of the outer ring is spoken. Personal preference for hope size can, of course, always deviate from this general advice. The size also depends on the use for 1 person or for duo. More logically, you use a larger size for duos.Tip: Ask what measure of hope in the studio where you are being used and take this as the starting point.
3. What height do you hang the hope at? Typically, a minimum height of about 3,00 a 3,20 meters is held. If you want to practice both techniques below, in and above the aerial hope, then you have at least a length of 1,10 a 1,20 meters above and 1,10 a 1,20 meters below the hope.You want to be able to hang up below without your head coming to the ground. And you have some free centimeters above hope for your movements in and with hope. The 1.10 a 1.20 meters held gives you the space to perform above the hope of techniques, for example by using the noose or rope that the hope hangs on. If you have less space, you can of course decide for yourself to hang a lot and adapt your techniques to the space you have. Often money the higher your level, the higher you hang hope. To do a decent chest outline or ankle-hang, you need more height. Think beforehand whether you're going to practice with a valmat underneath or not. The use of a valmat is recommended and that thickness naturally depends on the space of motion you have under the hope. Here too is the tip: look how the dimensions are in the studio. Then you get a better idea if you want to hang hope at home a little higher, lower, or exactly the same height.
4. What do you need to hang the aerial hope? What you need in any case are carabiners, a swivel and a rope with eyes, noose or cable. A swivel is not necessarily necessary, but is better for your material and causes hope to spin in the movement. If you use a zero point or two point hope, a pootplaat need (leg picture). In addition, you need a suspension system. What exactly is aDepending on where you want to hang up hope. That's how you need a chemical anchor and a concrete hook at a concrete ceiling. While if you have a wooden beam or have a special set bearing, you can finish it with a loop in the noose or a balkklauw(bars clamp).In the product descriptions of the aerial hopes for you will find more information about different possibilities and materials needed for this.
Always use certified material with a CE or NEN-EN label. These materials have been tested at length for safety and meet strict requirements. On aliexpress, it is many times cheaper to find: tempting and super dangerous. The materials at Flexmonkey have a safety certificate, sufficient carrying capacity (kN and WLL) and are safe to use.
5. How do you maintain the aerial hope?The hopes you can purchase at Flexmonkey are provided with a special coating and that makes it more hygienic than a lot of tape. They are very good to clean after every use. Just with ammonia, alcohol or any other cleaning agent than not leaving a layer. If you have a lot of tape, you can rub a little lime powder over the tape every so much time. This is how the tape's stickiness is temporarily countered. Store the carabiners and swivel clean and dry. Remove dust and dirt and clean only with hot sop stickiness. Rinse and dry well. Do not use cleaning and solvents.You can snatch hinges but pash up with lubricating oil. This can give off on the rope or noose or hope and smooth it out. Remove the excess oil. Inspection is recommended for each use. For each use, check for cracks, sharp edges, corrosion, blackberries and hair cracks; dirt and dust at the lock; a correctly operating lock by closing and reopening it. If the closure doesn't work properly, you can't use the carabiner anymore. And finally, should any of the materials fall, it is no longer safe to use.