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free flow, psychologie, therapie -

Are you ready for a voyage of discovery through your own world of experience? Do you want to learn to discover and dare to feel? Then the experimental dance form FREE FLOW that Simone Caroline Narraina teaches is for you! This dance form is based on the intuitive, of feeling the movement. Simone explains: "You learn dto gain insight into yourself by means of movement and to get more in touch with your feelings.Daring to feel can give liberation. Not so much the dance, but the fun, the openness and the discovery, is the core to a free feeling. By...

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psychologie, therapie -

As part of her personal growth, she once wanted to do something "which she could never do". She chose the physical challenge of joining a pole dance contest. Not just any competition, but the Dutch Championships in Paalsport 2018. Marieke de Bra, Amsterdam photographer and documentary maker. Throughout her therapy, she learns to deal around problems of intimacy and abandonment anxiety. Coupled with the motivation to join the NK Paalsport, she merges these paths into a documentary about her therapeutic process. How exactly does that work?“The sessions at the therapist I pick up with my cell phone. I'm also going...

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paaldansen voor kinderen, psychologie, therapie -

Despite her young age, Demi Brama (15 yrs) has been involved in the world of pole dancing for several years and has registered for the fourth time as a participant in the NK Paalsport (formerly NK Pole Dancing). Somewhere she may also be called thefounder of pole dancing for kids within the Dutch Championships.It all started when she was asked to give a demonstration during a regional competition during the NK. Pole dancing for children was still very small at the time and the organization wanted to see how they would react. There was a positive and awe at this...

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