Club Hella Heels from now on in the Netherlands at Flexmokey_polewear

Club Hella Heels from now on in the Netherlands at Flexmokey_polewear

Is there exotic pole on the program? Are there lovers of high heels? Is it summer yet? What excuse do you need?

Flexmonkey now has a super nice deal. We join the Hella Heels club and that means: starters discount! How does 5% off each pair of shoes sound????

And, when it comes to shipping, you don't pay a high fee for abroad, but just 8.50th for domestic. Returns can also be made via Flexmonkey.

Flexmonkey orders the hella heels twice a year. You can join the order moment by ordering by emailinfo@flexmonkey.nlwhatsapp 06-17149846. We set up a payment link for you and you check all the data, paid for it, and your package is sent as soon as the shoes are in with us.

Choose your shoe via the official site of hella heels club, check if your choice is in stock and let us know by mail or WA. The sizes can be found here

And when it's in, it's going to be PARTY. Do you know which shoes you choose first?

DEADLINE for this promotion is August 23, 2020. After this, hella Heels is ordered twice years. Send your order before November 23 and before May 23.

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