Flexmonkey's Balance Challenge with Demi Brama-Week 2

Flexmonkey's Balance Challenge with Demi Brama-Week 2

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Week 2 of the Balance Challenge is in full swing. This fit challenge runs from 28 January to 28 February 2019. To be the day a fun and challenging challenge pose is posted. There are great prizes to win and as many as 1 out of 10 contestants win a fun goodie bag! After that, do post-self and tag @Flexmonkey_polewear. Below are all 4 poses of week 2. The poses of week 1 are in the blog for this. You can also find here how you can participate in a media form (facebook, instagram and email).

Flexmonkey polewear paaldancing Balance Balans Balance challenge 2019 pigeon yoga pose Demi Brama split passe foot on head


Are you with me? You can do that!Joining is easy: you watch the day to the new challenge and do it.The moves do not have to look exactly like this We post to the day a new challenging move. The moves don't have to look exactly like Demi Brama, the model, does this. A different version of course may also be available. At the end of the challenge, we raffled a price for every 10th participant! This money only if you 've done more than 90% with it, otherwise it' s not a challenge. Follow our posts on facebook, instagram @flexmonkey_polewear, and under "newts" on the website. " You don't have to do exactly the challenge like Demi Brama.-The model. A different version of course may also be available. At the end of the challenge, we raffled a price for every 10th participant! This money only if you have done more than 90% with it, otherwise it is not a challenge;)

 Flexmonkey polewear paaldancing Balance Balans Balance challenge 2019 handstand hollow back yoga pose Demi Brama


Join via FACEBOOK: repostthe first balance chalange post (pounded at the top of the page). Then you post any new challenge and tagt@flexmonkey_sport on facebook. VAsk as many fitfriends as possible with the challenge!

Join via INSTAGRAM: follow the feed on @flexmonkey_polewear and post to the day the new challenge. Tag @flexmonkey_polewear and ask as many fitfriends as you can with the challenge!

Please join via email: keep an eye on the website. Every week under 'news', a new blog with the weekly poses is posted. This will be done the following week, and you will mail your moves to .

Ask as many fitfriends as you can with the challenge!


Flexmonkey polewear paaldancing Balans Balance challenge 2019 handstand elbowstand croccodile move planking yoga pose Demi Brama

no. 7


Joining us is easy! Check our feed on FACEBOOK @Flexmonkey_sport or INSTAGRAM @Flexmonkey_polewear for the newest challenge post. Or, just check the blog every end of the week. Try the Balance shape yourself, 📸, post & tag. Then: become one of many winners!One out of 10 partcipants will win a Flexmonkey goodiebag filled with awesomeness. You have to post at least 90% of all challenge posts.Ofcourse, you do not have to do the exact pose like model @demibrama (which in some cases is nearly impossible). Any pose which captures the essence of the shown balance trick is good. This challenge will run from January 28th-February 28th 2019. Use #flexmonkeypolewear & #balancechallenge2019 and don't forget to tag Flexmonkey;)


Flexmonkey polewear paaldancing Balance Balans Balance challenge 2019 pigeon hollow back yoga pose Demi Brama
Flexmonkey polewear paaldancing Balance Balans Balance challenge 2019 chestpress hollow back yoga pose Demi Brama
no. 8


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